Our Honorary Advisors
Dr. Au Yiu Kai
Consultant Surgeon, Kwong Wah Hospital
Professor Chan Ka Leung, Francis
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Professor Gabriel M Leung, GBS, JP
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Dr. Ko Wing-man BBS, JP
Secretary for Food and Health of Hong Kong
Professor Lai Bo San, Paul
Assistant Dean (General Affairs), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Professor Mok Chung Tong, Vincent
Assistant Dean (Clinical), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Professor Wong Chi Sang, Martin
Director, Jockey Club Bowel Cancer Education Centre, CUHK
*All MO honorary advisors only serve as advisors of our projects; they do not bear any responsibilities for the final outcomes of our projects. MO will take into acount of all parties' recommendations, and be the ones responsible for making the final decisions regarding our projects.