Local Services
Our goal is to achieve sustainability through local services, be it through our hospital visits, health checks, or workshops. As Hong Kong medical students, we aspire to cater to those in need within our proximity, while providing ourselves with experience-based knowledge.
Current Services
in collaboration with Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project
in collaboration with
Evangel Children's Home
Past Services

愛老 "耆" 遇記
愛老 "耆" 遇記
This service was a one-off programme held in 2016, consisting of a series of four services related to geriatric patients, through collaborations with Fung Yiu King Hospital under the Tung Wah Group. These services include bedside visit to geriatric ward, health talk, handicraft class and animal assisted therapy session with our other collaborator, Dr. Dog.

China Coast Community
China Coast Community
Elderly home visits to China Coast Community is also an operation launched in 2015. Throughout a month’s time, students were able to visit the foreign elderly at the center, while engaging in attachments with physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nurses. Through this opportunity, students were able to grasp a new understanding of chronic illness, how it affects one’s daily life, and the roles of cooperation within a medical team.

Prince of Wales and Princess Margaret Hospital Paediatric Ward Visits
Prince of Wales and Princess Margaret Hospital Paediatric Ward Visits
During workshops at the two hospitals, medical students are able to provide emotional support to the children through interactive activities such as arts and crafts. Not only are students able to practice their communication skills, but also learn to understand their needs and inspiring stories behind their immobility.

Wong Tai Sin Hospital Visits
Wong Tai Sin Hospital Visit
Participants in the Wong Tai Sin Hospital service visit elderly patients who are recovering from various diseases. These participants will attend a series of workshops to learn how to effectively communicate with patients. Before the service, they will also attend an infection control workshop and practice conversing with slightly younger elderly patients. Through this opportunity, students will be able to garner practical experience and refine their communication skills. To ensure continuity, the service framework was set on weekly basis, spanning throughout two summer months.

Teddy Bear Hospital
Teddy Bear Hospital
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Medical Student Society of Australia, the 6th Executive Committee launched the Teddy Bear Hospital program across primary schools in Hong Kong. Volunteers engaged the children in interactive activities such as listening to increased post-exercise heart rates through stethoscopes, putting skeleton frames back together and performing surgeries on teddy bear models. Through exposing younger children to medical environments and concepts in a positive way, we encouraged them to lead healthier lifestyles, and also relieved them of the anxiety associated with doctor visits. While this service did not include exciting clinical exposure, the smiles and gratitude from the children and their mothers were equally, if not more valuable.

Tung Wah Eastern Hospital Visits
Tung Wah Eastern Hospital Visits
In the hospital visits at Tung Wah Eastern Hospital initiated by the 5th Executive Committee, medical students interacted with chronically ill and paediatric patients, and played various games and mental exercises with them. This enabled students to feel the sense of responsibility as a future doctor, and the importance of communication in healthcare. Patients were always happy with our medical students who are there to listen and care for them. Members of Medical Outreachers infused a high degree of flexibility into the project by letting the participants decide their service content.

Rare Disease Project
Rare Disease Project
In 2022, Team A was graciously invited to an acapella production by Medici Cantano, to deliver a health talk on music therapy and assist in preparing stimulating knowledge quizzes for patients of Rare Disease Hong Kong. Due to the constraints brought about by the pandemic, unfortunately, we were unable to initiate our initial collaboration with the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital in organising service events. We strive to resume service as soon as the situation improves.

Alzheimer's services
Teddy Bear Hospital
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Medical Student Society of Australia, the 6th Executive Committee launched the Teddy Bear Hospital program across primary schools in Hong Kong. Volunteers engaged the children in interactive activities such as listening to increased post-exercise heart rates through stethoscopes, putting skeleton frames back together and performing surgeries on teddy bear models. Through exposing younger children to medical environments and concepts in a positive way, we encouraged them to lead healthier lifestyles, and also relieved them of the anxiety associated with doctor visits. While this service did not include exciting clinical exposure, the smiles and gratitude from the children and their mothers were equally, if not more valuable.