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Regional Services 


Mainland China and Hong Kong have connections in many aspects, especially in context of medical and healthcare services. As passionate medical students from Hong Kong, we believe that it is crucial to reach beyond our local community. Therefore, mainland China is also a major focus of MO. Through health education and medical services, we aim to raise the health awareness and improve the quality of life of underprivileged people across the border. 

Current Services
MediCare Sichuan Service Trip

In this trip, we travel to the LiangShan region of Sichuan, China, where we will focus on the delivery of health education withiJin Xin Primary School.

We aim to develop a comprehensive health curriculum and deliver it to the underprivileged students within the area. Through conducting village household visits and health checkups for the students, we hope to develop our participants’ clinical and communication skills. By doing such activities, we aspire to deliver information relevant to the student’s and villagers' livelihood with the hopes of improving their health awareness and personal hygiene. Through our health checks, we aim to provide immediate feedback on their health condition to villagers such that they may make healthy changes to their daily habits. All in all, we believe that our trip will empower both students and villagers alike.

Chi Heng Video Classroom Project

In Chi Heng Video Classroom Project, We collaborate with Chi Heng Foundation ​(智行基金會) to conduct online health education for the underprivileged children in the indigent areas in the mainland China. Despite the struggles brought by COVID-19, we continued developing our health curriculum and completed digitizing 42 lessons for P1-6 students. In light of this, students can gain a wide spectrum of knowledge on topics ranging from the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, to mental health and the world of microbiology. Through online lessons, we empower children in poverty with the power of knowledge, causing an improvement in their health practices and awareness. Our online classes also include various interactive elements such as songs, Q&A sessions, role-play, animations, and drama scenarios. In short, We aim to influence these local families positively and sustainably through our health education.

Thalassemia Service Trip

Thalassemia Service trip is a part of Medical Outreachers’ long-term project in the Guangdong region of China. This project has been ongoing for 3 years and we will be reaching out to thalassemia children and their families.


This project aims to increase the health awareness of thalassemia patients by conducting health exhibitions and health checks for children and parents alike, as well as reducing the stigma towards these patients. Some of the diagnostics we would carry out include pulmonary and eye function testing as these are common side effects of thalassemia treatment. Through health surveillance, we aim to help patients monitor the progression of their condition so that they can seek immediate medical attention.

Chi Heng
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